O The English Click ou TEC é um curso de inglês onde você aprende como se estivesse estudando nos Estados Unidos. No TEC, você aprende os sons do idioma e a gramática aplicada no dia a dia pelos falantes nativos. Quando você faz parte do TEC, você tem o conteúdo mais completo e essencial para que você possa, de verdade, ficar fluente no inglês. Nele, você se torna confiante para conversar e ser entendido de qualquer lugar do mundo.
Desenvolvido pela poliglota e professora Cris Vieira, o método “The Click” desbloqueia sua fala em inglês através de uma abordagem focada nos sons do idioma. Você aprenderá traçando um paralelo entre as línguas inglesa e portuguesa, criando um novo registro de sons e se adaptando ao sistema do inglês, dominando a pronúncia, entonação e cadência além de uma gramática funcional.
Inglês com música
Metodologia única
Aulas de leitura
Exercícios de Shadowing
Inglês com música
Metodologia única
Aulas de leitura
Exercícios de Shadowing
Cadência da língua
Aulas em inglês
Além das aulas do curso, o aluno pode adquirir separadamente mentorias com a Cris Vieira. Nessa mentoria você terá um ambiente para tirar dúvidas, aperfeiçoar e corrigir sua pronúncia e ainda conversar com supervisão de uma especialista para apontar seus defeitos e problemas.
Se você busca ser busca ter um inglês que seja referência de boa pronúncia, falar sem travas, aulas leves e descontraídas, podendo ser feito no seu tempo, o The English Click certamente é para você. Mas se você busca um inglês instantâneo ou fórmulas mágicas de aprendizado, este curso não é recomendado.
Durante 1 ano você tem acesso ao conteúdo do curso, materiais e aulas extras na plataforma, fórum de perguntas e respostas, podendo ser feita a renovação da do acesso após o término deste período.
Com certeza! O certificado tem validação internacional.
Cartões de crédito e débito, boleto à vista, Google Pay, Samsung Pay e Pix.
Segundo o artigo 49 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, durante 7 dias o consumidor poderá desistir da compra e pedir reembolso. De forma simples e sem precisar responder nada.
Assim que sua compra é confirmada, o acesso ao curso é enviado para o seu e-mail, confira na caixa de entrada ou SPAM.
Módulo 01
O som das letras do alfabeto; como soletrar; alfabeto militar;
Cumprimentos; Sons das letras M e R;
Pronomes Pessoais, Verbo To Be, Contrações;
Pronomes Possessivos, Verbo To Be;
To Be (Int./Neg); Pronomes Demonstrativos THIS and THAT;
Voiced TH.
Módulo 02
Indefinite Articles A/AN; Verb To Be (cont.);
Definite Article THE; Demonstrative Pronouns THESE and THOSE (plural);
Whose; Possessives; the “S”sound;
Personal Info; Numbers 1-50; Unvoiced TH;
Where (addresses); Ordinal numbers; Unvoiced TH
Módulo 03
Telling the Time
There is / There are
Prepositions of Place / Some x Any
Days of the Week
Expressions with Have; Do and Does (interrogative); Age
Módulo 04
Routine Verbs – Simple Present;
Work Routine;
Negative and Interrogative;
The Family;
The Family – part 2;
Describing people;
Módulo 05
Adverbs of Frequency
Prepositions of Place: IN, ON , AT – Review
Prepositions of Place – Part 2
Simple Present: Work Routine
Vacation: Months, Seasons;
Módulo 06
CAN: Ability and Skills;
Colors and Clothes; Word order (Adjectives)
Describing People’s Personalities; Look x Seem
Describing People’s Appearance: What is he like? x What does he look like?
Present Continuous x Simple Present
Módulo 07
Expressing opinion; Agree x Disagree – Reactions; Pronouncing Expressions
LOVE, LIKE, HATE + ING or TO; O som da vogal A (curta ) / Short A
Using -ING verbs after Prepositions; Short A
Imperative – Advice (Dando Conselho); Vogal E longa (Long E)
Object Pronouns – me, her, him, you, us, them; Comparando o “E” longo com a vogal “I” curta (Short I )
Módulo 08
Imperative – advice START, CONSIDER, TRY, KEEP + ing.; Verb STOP
Imperative – Giving Directions (Dando informação): go, turn, cross, make a turn, keep walking
I have to (internal obligations) x I need to (important things)
I want x I would like (restaurant, orders, etc); Pronunciation: “Would you” (woudja)
REVIEW; Drill Exercises
Módulo 09
Future with “Going to” – Plans
Future with “Going to” – Prediction
Future with “Will” – Promise
Future with “Will” – Far future prediction
Future with “Will” – Volunteering and helping; being spontaneous
Módulo 10
Will + not = Refusal
Future with Present Continuous – 100% certainty
Expressing surprise, sarcasm, happiness
Either, Neither, But, Both
Tag Questions
Módulo 11
What / Where / When / Why / Which / Who / How
Intensifiers – So, a lot, very, too
Módulo 12
Simple Past: Affirmative – Regular verbs
Simple Past: Interrogative and Negative – Regular verbs
Simple Past: Affirmative – Irregular verbs
Simple Past: Interrogative and Negative – Irregular verbs
FInal Review
Módulo 01
Future with WILL; Light and Dark L
Future with GOING TO; Linking words
Future with Present Continuous; The American R
Polite Expressions; Pronunciation: the “oo” sound
Too, Enough, Very; The “T” sound
Módulo 02
Comparative and Superlative – Part 1
Comparative and Superlative – Part 2; Pronunciation: TH voiced
Either – Neither; TH unvoiced
Expressions for suggestion; giving advice; Pronunciation: the “M” sound
The Simple Past; Pronunciation: the N sound
Módulo 03
Simple Past – Regular Verbs
Simple Past – Irregular Verbs
Simple Past – Interrogative and Negative
Past Continuous
Past Continuous x Simple Past (“I was… when”)
Módulo 04
Used to + Infinitive
To Be Used to + ING
To Be Used to x To Get Used to + ING
Present Perfect – Part 1
Present Perfect – Part 2
Módulo 05
Question Tags
Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns
Common Phrasal Verbs (on, up, off)
Phrasal Verbs at Work (off, on, up, out)
Módulo 06
Phrasal Verbs: OUT
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous x Present Perfect
Sorry x Excuse
Remember, Remind, Recall
Módulo 07
Also, Too, As well; Short “E”
Wherever, Whenever, Whichever, Whatever, Whoever; Short E atypical spellings
Possessive Case – the apostrophe (individual and collective ownership)
SOME – Different meanings; Short “i “
DO X MAKE; Short ” i ” x long ” e “
Módulo 08
SAY, TELL, TALK, SPEAK; Pronouncing the communication verbs
Difference between BRING X TAKE and GO X COME
Difference between BORROW X LEND
REVIEW – Lessons 21 – 40
Módulo 09
Conjunctions – after, although, as, as soon as, because, before, even if, even, though, if, in order to
Conjunctions – once, since, so that, unless, whether
Modal verbs: can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must
Zero (Present Real) and First Conditional (Future Real) – If / When
Second Conditional (Present Unreal) – Simples – “If I were”
Módulo 10
Third Conditional (Past Unreal) – Composto
Should’ve / Could’ve / Would’ve
Adjectives ending in -ED and -ING
Passive Voice
Modals (Ought to, Had Better, Would Rather, Must)
Módulo 11
Relative pronouns: THAT, WHICH, WHO
Relative pronouns: WHOSE, WHEN, WHERE, WHY
Prepositions For x To
Reported Speech
Avoiding inversion; Indirect Questions
Módulo 12
Popular American idioms
Polite Imperative
Gradable and Extreme Adjectives
Future Continuous
Final Review
Módulo 01
The alphabet – the RIGHT pronunciation
The K and L sounds
The M and N sounds
The P sound.
The R sound.
Módulo 02
The S sound
The T sound
The Y sound
Módulo 03
The K, P, and T sounds
The Short “I” sound
The Short “I” x Long “E”
The Short “A” sound
The Short “A” x Short “E”
Módulo 04
The Long “O” sound
The Short “O” sound
The Short “OO” sound
The Long “U” x Short “U”
Consonants and Vowels
Módulo 05
Present Perfect Continuous x Present Continuous
Present Perfect x Present Perfect Continuous x Simple Past
Modals of Possibility and Probability
Modals of Regret
The sounds of the -ED
Módulo 06
Word linking; Pronunciation
I wish I had (Regret)
Modals of Obligation
Gerunds and Infinitives
Módulo 07
Although, Even though, Though, Despite and In spite of
Intro to Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs ending in UP
Phrasal Verbs ending in DOWN
Phrasal Verbs ending in ON
Módulo 08
Phrasal Verbs ending in OFF
Phrasal Verbs ending in IN
Phrasal Verbs ending in AROUND and ABOUT
Exclamations and Warnings!
Módulo 09
Weather Report
Traffic Report
Couple’s argument – Being assertive without being offensive
Ordering Food and Drink
Stress and Intonation
Módulo 10
Job Interview Gone Bad
Job Interview the right way
Business Calls – Placing a call, leaving a message, transferring a call, and more
Business Reports – Numbers – Thousands, Millions, (point, percentage, fractions) – Reading
Who x WHOM
Módulo 11
Business Emails
Past Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect
Inversion (advanced)
Módulo 12
Causative structures with MAKE, HAVE, LET, and GET
Cleft sentences
Final Review